That Woodstock City Council approve in principle the zone change application (File No. ZN 8-23-18) submitted by the 2729902 Ontario Inc., for lands described as Part Lot 9, Concession 1 (Blandford), to rezone the lands from ‘Agricultural (AG)’ to ‘Special General Industrial Holding Zone (M3-48 (H))’ ‘Special Highway Commercial Holding Zone (C4-57(H))’, ‘Environmental Protection Zone 1 (EP1)’ and ‘Environmental Protection Zone 2 (EP2)’ to facilitate a proposed draft plan of subdivision for industrial and service commercial purposes;
And further, that City Council advise County Council that the City supports the application for Official Plan Amendment, File No. OP 23-11-8, submitted by the 2729902 Ontario Inc., for lands described as Part Lot 9, Concession 1 (Blandford), to redesignate the lands from Business Park to Traditional Industrial and Service Commercial;
And further, that City Council advise County Council that the City supports the application for draft plan of subdivision, File No. SB 24-06-8, submitted by the 2729902 Ontario Inc., for lands described as Part Lot 9, Concession 1 (Blandford), subject to the following conditions of draft approval:
1. This approval applies to the draft plan of subdivision submitted by 2729902 and prepared by Gagnon Walker Domes Limited as shown on Plate 3 of Report No. 2024-364 and comprising Part of Lot 9, Concession 1 (Blandford), in the City of Woodstock showing six blocks for industrial development, one service commercial block, one servicing block, four blocks for environmental features, one road widening block, and four 0.3 m (1 ft) reserves, served by two new local streets.
2. The Owner agrees to satisfy all the requirements, financial and otherwise, of the City regarding construction of roads, installation of services, including water, sanitary sewer & forcemain, storm sewer, drainage facilities, sewage pumping stations, electrical distribution system, sidewalks, street lights, and other matters pertaining to the development of the subdivision in accordance with City standards.
3. The road allowances included in the draft plan of subdivision shall be dedicated as public highways to the satisfaction of the City of Woodstock.
4. The streets included in the draft plan of subdivision shall be named to the satisfaction of the City of Woodstock.
5. The owner agrees in writing that temporary turning circles and/or emergency access ways will be provided, as necessary, to the satisfaction of the City of Woodstock.
6. The Owner agrees to plant street trees, including the preparation of a detailed landscape/street tree planting plan, to the satisfaction of the City, if required.
7. The Owner agrees in writing that all foundations of existing buildings will be removed from the lands to the satisfaction of the City and that necessary fill be placed and compacted to the satisfaction of the City.
8. The Owner agrees in writing that all existing overhead and underground services will be removed and/or abandoned to the satisfaction of the City.
9. The Owner agrees to cost sharing for services installed by the City that benefit the owner.
10. The Owner agrees to provide the City with access to Blocks 9 and 10 to the satisfaction of the City at time of transfer of Block 9 and 10 to the City.
11. The Owner agrees to prepare a tree preservation and compensation plan to the satisfaction of the City.
12. The subdivision agreement shall, if required by the City, make provisions for the dedication of parkland or cash in-lieu thereof, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Planning Act. The Owner further agrees that woodlot/NHS/buffer lands shall not count towards the dedication of parkland.
13. The Owner agrees in writing that fencing shall be installed adjacent to City-owned lands, or as otherwise required by the City to the satisfaction of the City.
14. The Owner agrees to implement the recommendations contained in the Hydrogeological Assessment by RJ Burnside, dated July, 2023, including any amendments thereto, to the satisfaction of the City.
15. The Owner agrees to implement the recommendations of the Functional Servicing & Stormwater Management (SWM) Report by RJ Burnside, dated September, 2023, including any amendments thereto, and the preparation and submission of detailed engineering drawings and reports to the satisfaction of the City.
16. The subdivision agreement shall contain provisions indicating that prior to grading and issuance of building permits, that a Stormwater management report, grading plan, and an erosion and sediment control plan be reviewed and approved by the City, UTRCA, and GRCA, and further, the subdivision agreement shall include provisions for the Owner to carry out or cause to be carried out any necessary works in accordance with the approved plans and reports.
17. Prior to the signing of the final plan by the County, all lots/blocks shall conform to the zoning requirements of the City’s Zoning By-Law. Certification of lot areas, frontages, and depths, shall be provided to the City by an Ontario Land Surveyor retained by the owner.
18. The Owner agrees in writing that all existing wells on the subject lands will be properly abandoned in accordance with Ontario Regulation 903 and that septic fields will be abandoned to the satisfaction of the City and that all necessary paperwork be submitted to the City and County.
19. Such easements as may be required for utility, servicing or drainage purposes shall be granted to the appropriate authority.
20. The Owner agrees that such temporary construction and permanent easements as may be required for utility or drainage purposes inside and outside of the proposed public right-of-ways shall be granted to the appropriate authority at the Owner’s expense.
21. Prior to the signing of the final plan by the County, the Owner shall agree in writing that all phasing of the plan of subdivision will be to the satisfaction of the City and County. Furthermore, the Owner acknowledges that servicing/development of the plan of subdivision is dependent on various planning, design, approval, and construction phases for implementation of external services. Furthermore, the Owner agrees to design (including obtaining approvals) and construct the proposed sanitary sewer in a timely manner, in conjunction with installation of forcemain and watermain (to be coordinated to the City/County’s satisfaction).
22. The Owner agrees to implement the recommendations contained in the Transportation Study by Trans-Plan, dated August 2023, including any amendments thereto, to the satisfaction of Oxford County Public Works, and the City of Woodstock.
23. The owner agrees in writing that further development will be subject to site plan approval where servicing, grading, stormwater management, setbacks to environmental areas, traffic/transportation, landscaping, etc. will be reviewed in further detail, to the satisfaction of the City and County.
24. The Owner agrees that 1-foot reserves shall be conveyed to the City, County, or appropriate road authority, as the case may be, free of all costs and encumbrances, to the satisfaction of the road authority.
25. The Owner agrees to provide such easements as may be required for utility or drainage purposes outside of the proposed public right-of-ways shall be granted to the appropriate authority free of all costs and encumbrances to the satisfaction of the appropriate authority. Furthermore, the Owner agrees to provide any temporary easements as deemed required by the appropriate authority.
26. Storm water drainage proposed to be directed to any County Road allowance shall be managed/attenuated to pre-development conditions to the satisfaction of Oxford County Public Works and City of Woodstock.
27. The Owner agrees in writing to undertake and complete all necessary steps to follow and implement all recommendations and further work necessary (including monitoring plans, review of Erosion and Sediment Control Plans and Grading Plans) as contained in the Environmental Impact Study and resulting peer review, of the Northeast Industrial Park, Woodstock 2729902 Ontario Inc Environmental Impact Study, prepared by RJ Burnside & Associated Limited, dates July 2024, to the satisfaction of the City and County.
28. The Owner agrees to implement the recommendations of the Functional Servicing & Stormwater Management (SWM) Report by RJ Burnside, dated June 2024, including any amendments thereto, and the preparation and submission of detailed engineering drawings and reports to the satisfaction of Oxford County and the City of Woodstock.
29. The Owner agrees to implement the recommendations contained in all other applicable technical studies/assessments (e.g. Geotechnical, Hydrogeological, etc.), including any amendments thereto, to the satisfaction of Oxford County Public Works, and the City of Woodstock.
30. The Owner agrees in writing to satisfy all the requirements, financial (including payment of applicable development charges, etc.) and otherwise, of Oxford County Public Works regarding the installation of the water distribution system, the installation of the sanitary sewer system including Sewage Pumping Station (SPS) and forcemains, construction of County road improvements necessitated by development, and other matters pertaining to the development of the subdivision in accordance with County Standards.
31. The Owner shall agree to prepare and submit for the approval of Oxford County Public Works, detailed servicing plans designed in accordance with the Oxford County Design Guidelines.
32. The Owner shall acknowledge in writing that “H” holding provisions are required on Blocks 1 to 7 to preclude development until municipal services have been approved and extended to service the area, and improvements to address existing system constraints (required for development) have been implemented to the satisfaction of the City and County. Furthermore, the holding provisions can ensure that development of each Block is reviewed/assessed, to the satisfaction of Oxford County Public Works, during required Site Plan submission with respect to conformance with the most current County Sewer Use By-Law and max water/wastewater flow allotment per Block (established by design criteria for applicable infrastructure, based on area).
33. Prior to the final approval of the subdivision plan (or any phase thereof), the Owner shall receive confirmation from Oxford County Public Works that there is sufficient capacity in the City of Woodstock water and sanitary sewer systems to service the plan of subdivision (or proposed phase thereof). Each proposed development Block shall be subject to Site Plan approval. Water & Wastewater capacity will be assessed and provisionally approved on a block by block basis as part of Site Plan review; water and wastewater capacity allotment per Block shall not exceed the established design allotment (based on design criteria, max flow per area) of which applicable water & wastewater servicing infrastructure was sized. The Owner shall agree to make provisions in the subdivision agreement to disclose the foregoing water & wastewater allocation process and upset flow limits to purchasers of Blocks, to the satisfaction of Oxford County Public Works.
34. The Owner shall agree in the Subdivision Agreement to fund the cost of any transportation network improvements that are attributable to the Draft Plan of Subdivision to the satisfaction/approval of Oxford County Public Works and the City of Woodstock.
35. The Owner shall agree that where existing municipal infrastructure (roads, sidewalks, sewers, watermains, etc. located external to the development land) is insufficient to accommodate the proposed development, the Owner shall be required to improve and/or relocate/extend the existing infrastructure. These costs shall be borne solely by the Developer, to the satisfaction of Oxford County Public Works.
36. The Owner agrees that subdivision/site entrances and all related costs are considered local services and a direct developer responsibility.
37. The Owner agrees in writing that Block 8 (Servicing Block) shall be conveyed to the County as required, free of all costs and encumbrances, to the satisfaction of Oxford County Public Works.
38. The Owner agrees in writing, that a 0.3 m (1 ft) reserve along Oxford Road 2 (Highway 2) shall be conveyed to the County as required, free of all costs and encumbrances, to the satisfaction of Oxford County Public Works.
39. The subdivision agreement shall make provision for the assumption and operation by Oxford County of the water and sewage system within the draft plan subject to the approval of Oxford County Public Works.
40. The Owner shall demonstrate/implement to the satisfaction of Oxford County that the entire subdivision, and each phase of development, shall provide adequate redundancy and looping for domestic and fire protection services.
41. Appropriate cul-de-sacs/turnaround areas are required to ensure proposed roadways have adequate turning radius/unobstructed access (without reversing) for waste collection and emergency vehicles. Cul-de-sac design will follow all County/City of Woodstock Guidelines.
42. The Owner agrees in writing, to the satisfaction of Oxford County Public Works, through the subdivision agreement, to ensure that all agreements of purchase and sale for lots (and provisional tenancy agreements) within the subdivision shall have appropriate disclosure that the subdivision is not looped with watermain. While there are plans to loop the development in the future, within future development, there is no specific timeline.
43. Prior to any grading or construction on the site and prior to registration of the plan, the Owners or their agents shall submit a detailed storm water management report in accordance with the 2003 Ministry of Environment Report entitled “Stormwater Management Planning and Design Manual” and in keeping with the “Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report (Prepared by RJ Burnside, dated June 2024), to the satisfaction of the Grand River Conservation Authority.
44. Prior to any grading or construction on the site and prior to registration of the plan, the Owners or their agents shall submit detailed lot grading, servicing and storm drainage plans to the satisfaction of the Grand River Conservation Authority.
45. Prior to any grading or construction on the site and prior to registration of the plan, the Owners or their agents shall submit an Erosion and Siltation Control Plan in accordance with the GRCA’s guidelines for sediment and erosion control, indicating the means whereby erosion will be minimized and silt maintained on-site throughout all phases of grading and construction, to the satisfaction of the Grand River Conservation Authority.
46. Prior to any grading or construction on the site and prior to registration of the plan, the Owners or their agents shall submit and obtain approval of a permit pursuant to the Prohibited Activities, Exemptions and Permits Regulation (Ontario Regulation 41/24) from the GRCA prior to any grading within a regulated area.
47. Prior to the final approval of the plan by the County, the Owner shall provide a final Hydrogeological Assessment which includes a detailed wetland monitoring and mitigation plan, to the satisfaction of the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority.
48. Prior to the final approval of the plan by the County, in conjunction with the submission of the engineering drawings, the Owner shall submit detailed grading plans and erosion and sediment control plans that will identify all erosion and sediment control measures for the subject lands to the satisfaction of the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority. The plans are to include measures to be used during all phases of construction including the installation of servicing under Highway 401. Prior to any work on the site, the Owner shall implement these measures satisfactory to the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority.
49. In accordance with Ontario Regulation 41/24 made pursuant to Section 28 of the Conservation Authorities Act, the Owner shall obtain the necessary permits / approvals from the UTRCA prior to undertaking any site alteration or development within the UTRCA Regulated Area, including filling, grading, construction, site alteration to watercourse and/or interference with a wetland.
50. That prior to final approval, the Owner shall submit to the Ministry of Transportation for review and approval, a copy of a Traffic Impact Study indicating the anticipated traffic volumes and their impact on the provincial highway network. The Traffic Impact Study will be prepared in accordance with MTO’s Traffic Impact Study Guidelines. The owner’s transportation consultant shall be RAQS certified.
51. That prior to final approval, the owner should be aware that any highway improvements identified from the Ministry of Transportation Review and analysis of the Traffic Impact Study will be the financial responsibility of the owner. A legal agreement will be required to be entered into between the owner and MTO, whereby the owner agrees to assume financial responsibility for the design and construction of all necessary associated highway improvements.
52. That prior to final approval, the owner shall submit a stormwater management report with grading and drainage plans for the proposed development for MTO’s review and approval.
53. That prior to final approval, the road widening block abutting Highway 401 shall be identified and be depicted on the final plan as a public highway on the owner’s certificate on the final plan of subdivision, to the satisfaction of the MTO.
54. That prior to final approval, appropriate 0.3 m reserve(s) abutting Highway 2 frontage shall be identified on the final plan, and that the Owner’s solicitor provide the MTO with a signed undertaking to convey these blocks to the MTO immediately following the registration of the plan, to the satisfaction of the MTO.
55. That prior to final approval, the owner shall submit to the MTO for review and approval a draft copy of the M-Plan for the subdivision.
56. That prior to final approval, arrangements shall be made to the satisfaction of MTO for erection of a security fence along the westerly and northerly boundary of the plan where it abuts MTO lands along Highway 401.
57. That prior to final approval, the owner shall provide the MTO for review and approval, the conditions of draft approval and draft subdivision agreement to ensure MTO requirements have been incorporated.
58. Prior to the approval of the final plan by the County, the owner shall agree in writing to satisfy the requirements of Canada Post Corporation with respect to advising prospective purchasers of the method of mail delivery; the location of temporary Centralized Mail Box locations during construction; and the provision of public information regarding the proposed locations of permanent Centralized Mail Box locations, to the satisfaction of Canada Post.
59. Prior to the approval of the final plan by the County, the owner shall agree in writing, to satisfy the requirements of Enbridge Gas and other applicable utility providers, that the owner/developer provide Enbridge Gas Limited and other applicable utility providers, with the necessary easements and/or agreements required for the provisions of gas services or other utilities.
60. Prior to the approval of the final plan by the County, the owner shall submit an archaeological assessment of the subject property and mitigate, through preservation or resources removal and documentation, adverse impacts to any significant archaeological resources found. No grading or other soil disturbances shall take place on the subject property prior to the issuance of a clearance letter by the Ministry of Culture confirming that all archaeological resource concerns have met licensing and resource conservation requirements.
61. Prior to final approval by the County, the owner shall provide a list of all conditions of draft approval with a brief statement detailing how each condition has been satisfied, including required supporting documentation from the relevant authority, to the satisfaction of the County of Oxford.
62. Prior to final approval by the County, the County of Oxford shall be advised by the City of Woodstock that conditions 2 to 29 (inclusive) have been met to the satisfaction of the City. The clearance letter shall include a brief statement for each condition detailing how each has been satisfied.
63. Prior to final approval by the County, the owner shall secure clearance from the County of Oxford Public Works Department or other appropriate County department, that conditions 18-42 (inclusive) have been met to the satisfaction of County Public Works and/or Community Planning. The clearance letter shall include a brief statement for each condition detailing how each has been satisfied.
64. Prior to final approval by the County, the owner shall secure clearance from the Grand River Conservation Authority that conditions 43 to 46 (inclusive), have been met to the satisfaction of the GRCA. The clearance letter shall include a brief statement for each condition detailing how each has been satisfied.
65. Prior to final approval by the County, the owner shall secure clearance from the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority that conditions 47 to 49 (inclusive), have been met to the satisfaction of the UTRCA. The clearance letter shall include a brief statement for each condition detailing how each has been satisfied.
66. Prior to final approval by the County, the County of Oxford shall be advised by the Ministry of Transportation that conditions 50 to 57 (inclusive) have been met to the satisfaction of the Ministry of Transportation. The clearance letter shall include a brief statement for each condition detailing how each has been satisfied.
67. Prior to final approval by the County, the County of Oxford shall be advised by Canada Post Corporation that condition 58 has been met to the satisfaction of Canada Post. The clearance letter shall include a brief statement detailing how this condition has been satisfied.
68. Prior to final approval by the County, the County of Oxford shall be advised by applicable utility companies that condition 59 has been met to the satisfaction of each applicable utility provider. The clearance letter shall include a brief statement detailing how this condition has been satisfied.
69. The plan of subdivision shall be registered within three (3) years of the granting of draft approval, after which time this draft approval shall lapse unless an extension is authorized by the County of Oxford.
And further that any comments received from the public were reviewed and considered before the decision was made in relation to this planning matter.