- The application for consent proposes to sever a vacant parcel for industrial use and retain a lot for similar use.
- Planning staff are recommending that the application be supported and approved as the proposal is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement and maintains the intent and purpose of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law respecting industrial development.
The subject lands are described as Lot 15 W/S Burtch Street, 16 W/S Burtch Street Plan 19; Part Block E Plan 19; Part Lot 13 W/S Burtch Street, 14 W/S Burtch Street Plan 19; Part Burtch Street Plan 19 Closed by 328096 & 328097; Part Lot 55C Plan 261; Part Lot 133C Plan 293 as in 432544 & 429053; S/T 336613, 355219, in the City of Woodstock. The lands are located on the south side of Main Street lying between Wilson Street and Young Street, and are identified by reference PIN 001050341, City of Woodstock.