Whereas speeding, distracted driving, and impaired driving are among the leading causes of driving related collisions, injuries, and fatalities in Ontario; and,
Whereas municipalities are called upon to modify driver behaviour through expensive infrastructure and even more expensive policing; and,
Whereas infrastructure and policing are inherently limited in their effectiveness at reducing speed and distracted driving, and entirely ineffective at reducing impaired driving;
Therefore be it resolved that the City of Woodstock calls on the Provincial and Federal governments to do everything in their power to limit speeding, distracted driving , and impaired driving, and thereby reduce collisions, injuries, and fatalities in our communities;
That the City of Woodstock specifically requests that the Government of Ontario take action to implement the rural road safety program that Good Roads has committed to lead, which will allow Ontario's rural municipalities to make the critical investments needed to reduce the number of people being killed and seriously injured on Ontario’s rural roads; and
And that City of Woodstock Staff work with Oxford County and all Oxford municipalities on the feasibility of implementing a long term Vision Zero Policy and the Good Roads Rural Road Safety strategy across all of Oxford; and,
That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Ontario Premier, Ontario Minister of Transportation, Ontario Minister of Infrastructure, Ontario Minister of Agriculture, Ontario Minister of Rural Affairs, Ontario Associate Minister of Emergency Preparedness and Response, and Ontario Minister of Health; and
FURTHER THAT this resolution be circulated to all Oxford police services boards, Safe and Well Oxford, Good Roads, and all municipalities in Ontario requesting their support.