Committee of Adjustment

Meeting Minutes

Meeting #:
Council Chambers
Members Present:
  • Bob Sutherland
  • Glen Yearsley
  • Howard Pye
  • Peter Rigby
  • Matthew Roberts
  • Jim Reid
Members Absent:
  • Councillor K. Leatherbarrow
  • Councillor B. Martin
  • Councillor L.Wismer-Van Meer
  • Jay Pember

A regular meeting of the Woodstock City Council was held on the above mentioned date.

This meeting was held in person in accordance with section 238 (3.3) of the Municipal Act, 2001 as amended, and section 16.6.24 of the City of Woodstock Procedure by-law.

There were no conflict of interest declarations.

  • Moved byPeter Rigby
    Seconded byJim Reid

    That the minutes of the October 15, 2024, Committee of Adjustment meeting be adopted.


There was no business arising from the minutes.

There was no correspondence for consideration this date.

Justin Miller, Development Planner, was in attendance to provide the Committee with an overview of the application. J. Miller addressed key point from the Planning Report, name that:

The subject property is described as Part Lots 18 and 19, Plan 234, in the City of Woodstock. The property is located on the west side of Russell Street, between Hay Street and Bruce Street, and is municipally known as 196 Russell Street.

J. Miller noted that relief was sought from Section 5.2.2 – Established Building Line Provisions, – Yard Reductions, to reduce the minimum required front yard depth from 3.3 m (10.8 ft) to 2.2 m (7.2 ft) to a porch addition.

Further it was indicated that the applicant is requesting relief from the above-noted provision of the City’s Zoning By-law to facilitate the construction of a 2.7 m (9 ft) x 2.4 m (8 ft) porch addition to the front of the single detached dwelling on the subject lands. 

According to Section of the City’s Zoning By-law, where existing development on either side of a middle lot have legal non-complying front yard depths, the required front yard depth of the dwelling on the subject property may be reduced to the average yards of the dwellings on the other two lots. In this case, it has been determined that the established building line is 3.3 m (10.9ft).

J. Miller advised that the proposed relief will permit a small addition that only impacts a 2.7 m (9 ft) wide portion of the front of the dwelling. The addition is not anticipated to negatively impact sightlines along Russell Street or to effect neighbouring properties. It would appear that sufficient area will continue to be provided on the property for landscaping, drainage, parking and amenity area. In this regard it is the opinion of this Office that the requested relief can be considered minor in nature.

Further, the proposed relief can also be considered desirable as it will facilitate a minor porch addition which will be in-keeping with the character of the existing dwelling and residential dwellings on Russell Street.

Finally, the Development Planner indicated that the requested relief is in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and City Zoning By-law and can be given favourable consideration.


Abigail Wicks, owner/applicant, 196 Russell Street, Woodstock ON N4S 2Z2, was in attendance to speak in favour of the minor application.

There were no questions and no one spoke in opposition to the application.

  • Moved byJim Reid
    Seconded byPeter Rigby

    That the City of Woodstock Committee of Adjustment approve Application File MV-21-24, submitted by Abigail Wicks for lands described as Part Lots 18 and 19, Plan 234, in the City of Woodstock and municipally known as 196 Russell Street, as it relates to:

    1. Relief from Section 5.2.2 – Established Building Line Provisions, – Yard Reductions, to reduce the minimum required front yard depth from 3.3 m (10.8 ft) to 2.2 m (7.2 ft) to a porch addition, subject to the following condition:
    a. The requested relief shall only apply to permit a porch addition of a general size and configuration, as shown on Plate 3 of Report No. 2024-383.

    The proposed relief meets the four tests of a minor variance as set out in Section 45(1) of the Planning Act as follows:

    The proposed relief is a minor variance from the provisions of the City’s Zoning By-law in that the addition is not anticipated to interfere with sightlines along the street, impact the established common building setback along the street, or the ability of the property to provide adequate area for landscaping, amenity space, drainage and parking;

    The proposed relief is desirable for the use of the land as the said relief will allow for development that is permitted by the Zoning By-law, is compatible with surrounding uses and will not negatively impact neighbouring properties;

    The proposed relief maintains the general intent and purpose of the City’s Zoning By-law as the development is generally in keeping with the permitted uses of the ‘R2’ Zone; and,

    The relief maintains the intent and purpose of the Official Plan as the proposed addition is a form of development contemplated by the Low Density Residential policies of the Official Plan.

    And further that any comments received from the public were reviewed and considered before the decision was made in relation to this planning matter.


Justin Miller, Development Planner, was in attendance to provide the Committee with an overview of the application. J. Miller addressed key point from the Planning Report, name that:

The subject property is described as Part Lot 13, Concession 2 (Blandford), in the City of Woodstock. The property is located on the south side of Lansdowne Avenue, between Halifax Road and Oxford Road 4, and is municipally known as 1074 Lansdowne Avenue. 

The applicant is requesting relief from the above-noted provisions of the City’s Zoning By-law to facilitate the construction of a pumping station that will service future Business Park and Traditional Industrial uses with municipal services.

J. Miller advised that according to Section 5.3.4 of the City’s Zoning By-law public utility installations are permitted in all zones subject to the zone provisions of that zone.

J. Miller noted that requested reliefs will permit a water pumping station that will service surrounding Business Park and Traditional Industrial uses that are consistent with the County’s Official Plan and the previous East Woodstock Secondary Plan. Sufficient space has been provided to accommodate the proposed pumping station with no negative impacts anticipated to surrounding properties. The County intends to start work on the pumping station in the New Year.

Further, the proposed reliefs can also be considered desirable as it will facilitate a necessary infrastructure project that will support future development in the City.

Finally, the Development Planner indicated that the requested reliefs are in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and City Zoning By-law and can be given favourable consideration.


M. Roberts asked whether comments were received from the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA). J. Miller advised that the City does not typically circulate minor variance applications to the UTRCA. It was further explained that with respect to this application the Development Planner has discussed the matter with the UTRCA and confirmed to the affirmative that the submitted plans were consistent with plans previously reviewed by the UTRCA.

There were no further questions and no one spoke in favour or opposition to the application.

  • Moved byMatthew Roberts
    Seconded byGlen Yearsley

    That the City of Woodstock Committee of Adjustment approve Application File MV-22-24, submitted by County of Oxford for lands described as Part Lot 13, Concession 2 (Blandford), in the City of Woodstock, being municipally known as 1074 Lansdowne Avenue, as it relates to:
    1. Relief from Section 27.2 – Zone Provisions, to reduce the minimum required lot area from what existed at the date of the passage of the By-law to 3,000 m² (32,291.7 ft²);
    2. Relief from Section 27.2 – Zone Provisions, to reduce the minimum required lot frontage from what existed at the date of the passage of the By-law to 61 m (200 ft);
    3. Relief from Section 27.2 – Zone Provisions, to reduce the minimum required interior side yard from 6 m (19.7 ft) to 4 m (13.1 ft);
    4. Relief from Section 27.2 – Zone Provisions, to reduce the minimum required setback from 20 m (65.6 ft) to 4 m (13.1 ft); and
    5. Relief from Section 27.2 – Zone Provisions, to reduce the minimum required height from 11 m (36.1 ft) to 3.8 m (12.5 ft) to permit the construction of a pumping station to service lands to be developed for Business Park and Traditional Industrial uses.

    The proposed reliefs meet the four tests of a minor variance as set out in Section 45(1) of the Planning Act as follows:

    The proposed reliefs are minor variances from the provisions of the City’s Zoning By-law in that the pumping station is not anticipated to impact neighbouring properties and represents necessary infrastructure for future development.

    The proposed reliefs are desirable for the use of the land as the said reliefs will allow for development that is permitted by the Zoning By-law, is compatible with surrounding uses and will not negatively impact neighbouring properties;

    The proposed reliefs maintain the general intent and purpose of the City’s Zoning By-law as the development is generally in keeping with the permitted uses in the General Provisions of the Zoning By-law; and,

    The reliefs maintain the intent and purpose of the Official Plan as the proposed pumping station is required for future development of lands designated for Business Park and Traditional Industrial uses.

    And further that any comments received from the public were reviewed and considered before the decision was made in relation to this planning matter.

  • Moved byPeter Rigby
    Seconded byMatthew Roberts

    That the meeting adjourn at 6:17 p.m.

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