- The Official Plan amendment proposes to redesignate the subject property from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential to facilitate the development of a 32 dwelling unit stacked townhouse development.
- The Zone Change application proposes to rezone the subject lands from ‘Residential Zone 1 (R1)’, ‘Residential Zone 2 (R2)’ and ‘Special Residential Zone 2 (R2-21 and R2-23)’ to ‘Special Residential Zone 3 (R3-sp)’ to permit the stacked townhouse development with special provisions to address the minimum lot area per dwelling unit, minimum landscaped open space and to permit limited parking in the required front yard.
- Planning staff are recommending approval of the subject applications as they are consistent with the Provincial Planning Statement and support the strategic initiatives and objectives of the Official Plan respecting high density residential development.
The subject lands are described as Plan 48, Part Lots 2 and 3 in the City of Woodstock. The lands are located on the west side Norwich Avenue between Parkinson Road and Salter Avenue and are municipally known as 394, 400, 408 and 412 Norwich Avenue.
Justin Miller, Development Planner was in attendance to provide Council with an overview of Application for Official Plan Amendment and Zone Change OP24-04-8 and ZN8-24-10. J. Miller addressed key points outlined in the Planning Report and noted Planning Staff are supportive of the applicant’s request to establish alternative zone provisions for lot area per dwelling unit, landscaped open space, location of parking area and established building line.
Further it was noted that it was Planning Staff's opinion that the proposed amendment to the Official Plan to accommodate the proposed development of the subject lands generally complies with the relevant policies of the Official Plan respecting infill, intensification and high density residential development and the proposed zoning by-law amendment is considered appropriate for the proposed development and can be given favourable consideration.
Mayor Acchione inquired whether stop lights would be required on the east side of Norwich Avenue.
In response, J. Miller advised that there are existing traffic lights adjacent to the subject lands. It's likely that the future driveway would likely include a trigger pad at the base of the driveway to trigger the traffic light.
Mayor Acchione also asked if there was going to be control over the density of the proposed development to ensure it does not expand beyond the current proposed number of units.
J. Miller advised that the development can be controlled by either site plan control or through the capping the maximum permitted units through the zoning amendment that would be applied to the subject lands.
M. Schadenberg sought clarification if only three floors would be visible on Norwich Avenue and four floors on Powell Street, given the topography of the land.
J. Miller confirmed that M. Schadenberg's understanding was correct, and further explained that the maximum height would be 3 meters which would accommodate a three story tall building.
Richard Kelly-Ruetz, GSP Group, Agent for the Applicant, was in attendance to provide the Committee with an overview of the application and to respond to any questions.
M. Schadenberg asked the Agent whether there was any estimated timeline of how much notice the existing tenants will be given before they are required to move?
R. Kelly-Ruetz responded that Applicant is reviewing construction timelines, though construction could start in the next year or two, and that the tenants were made aware of the development application and the public meeting.
Scott Johnson, 409 Powell Street, spoke to concerns with the application, namely, the height of the proposed development (given the land is higher than Powell Street); negative impact on privacy; concerns with drainage from melting snow and rain water; and, a reduction of green space.
Brian Lamour, 384 Norwich Avenue, spoke to concerns with the application, namely, drainage issues with water coming from Norwich Avenue.
Jeremy Butts, 418 Norwich Ave, spoke to concerns with the application, namely, expressing support for the issues already addressed by neighbouring property owners; and, if the proposed development would negatively impact the value of his property due to the impact on privacy.
There were no further questions or public comments made on the application.