The Corporation of the City of Woodstock
Council Agenda

Meeting #:
Council Chambers

This meeting will be held in-person  in accordance with section 238 (3.3) of the Municipal Act, 2001 as amended and section 16.6.24 of the City of Woodstock Procedure by-law. The meeting will be livestreamed to the City’s YouTube channel and a recording of this meeting will also be posted on the City website following the meeting.

There is no closed session.

Councillor K. Leatherbarrow will be reading the resolutions

The following resolutions have been prepared to facilitate Council's perusal of the various matters and are suggested for consideration

That Woodstock City Council approve the change to Woodstock Transit Route #4 Northwest effective Tuesday, October 15th, 2024.

That Woodstock City Council refer the report regarding ‘Replacement of Municipal Code Chapter 0232 – Fowl’ to the by-law section of the agenda;

And further that City Council authorizes staff to make the necessary application to the Ministry of the Attorney General to seek approval for the proposed short form wording and set fines changes associated with Municipal Code Chapter 0232 – Livestock.

That Woodstock City Council authorize the Mayor to submit a letter on behalf of Woodstock City Council urging CN Rail to take immediate action to replace the Finkle Street Pedestrian Bridge crossing.

That Woodstock City Council provides no further funding and directs staff to pause encampment clean-up until 2025 budget consideration.


That Woodstock City Council provide an additional $100,000 to be financed from the Hydro Reserve Fund for Parks Cleanup – Purchased Services Account 0701-83125-0393.



That Woodstock City Council support Option 1 as the vote casting method for the 2026 Municipal and School Board Election;

And further that the by-law authorizing the use of optical scanning vote tabulators for the 2026 Municipal and School Board Election be prepared.


That Woodstock City Council support Option ___ as the vote casting method for the 2026 Municipal and School Board Election;

And further that Staff be directed to prepare a report outlining the proposed election details and budget.

That Woodstock City Council approve the increase of minimum staffing within the Woodstock Fire Department Suppression Division from nine (9) to ten (10) effective September 9, 2024.

That Woodstock City Council authorizes a $525,000 increase to be funded by the Reserve for Capital Projects for the Public Works Addition and Renovations;

And further that City Council award the tender for the Public Works Addition and Renovations to Reid & Deleye Contractors Ltd. in the amount of $2,171,038.00, inclusive of HST.

This portion of the meeting is not recorded.