The Corporation of the City of Woodstock
Council Agenda

Meeting #:
Council Chambers

This meeting will be held in-person  in accordance with section 238 (3.3) of the Municipal Act, 2001 as amended and section 16.6.24 of the City of Woodstock Procedure by-law. The meeting will be livestreamed to the City’s YouTube channel and a recording of this meeting will also be posted on the City website following the meeting.

Closed session commences at 6:00 p.m. in the 2nd Floor Board Room for the consideration of:

  •  a proposed or pending acquisition of land by the municipality.

Councillor K. Leatherbarrow will read the resolutions.

That Woodstock City Council approve the zone change application submitted by 1441180 Ontario Inc., whereby the lands described as Plan 77, Part Lots 58 and 59, known municipally as 356 Kendall Avenue, City of Woodstock are to be rezoned from Residential Zone 2 (R2) to Special Residential Zone 3 (R3-65) to facilitate the development of 3 townhouse dwelling units;

And further that any comments received from the public were reviewed and considered before the decision was made in relation to this planning matter.

That Woodstock City Council advise County Council that the City supports the application for draft approval of a proposed condominium submitted by Woodstock Business Centre Inc. (File No. CD 25-01-8), prepared by Rudy Mak Surveying Ltd., for lands described as Part of Lot 10, Plan 41M82, Part Lot 9 of RCP 1654, Part 2 of 41R-9080, in the City of Woodstock;

And further that Woodstock City Council advise County Council that the City supports the application for exemption from the draft plan of condominium approval process submitted by Woodstock Business Centre Inc. (File No. CD 25-01-8), prepared by Rudy Mak Surveying Ltd., for lands described as Part of Lot 10, Plan 41M82, Part Lot 9 of RCP 1654, Part 2 of 41R-9080 in the City of Woodstock, as all matters relating to the development have been addressed through the Site Plan Approval process and a registered site plan agreement with the City of Woodstock;

And further that any comments received from the public were reviewed and considered before the decision was made in relation to this planning matter.

The following resolutions have been prepared to facilitate Council's perusal of the various matters and are suggested for consideration

That Woodstock City Council receive the 2024 Tender Awards report be as information.

That Woodstock City Council receive the 2024 Remuneration and Expenses Report as information.

Refer to motions in the report.

That Woodstock City Council award the tender for the reconstruction of Wellington Street South to Viewcon Construction Limited, in the amount of $915,726.31 inclusive of HST.



That Woodstock City Council supports the decision to refuse to amend the zoning by-law with respect to application ZN 8-23-07 – 401 Lakeview Drive;

And further that the City Clerk be instructed to advise the Ontario Land Tribunal.

This portion of the meeting is not recorded.