The Corporation of the City of Woodstock
Council Agenda

Meeting #:
Council Chambers

This meeting will be held in-person  in accordance with section 238 (3.3) of the Municipal Act, 2001 as amended and section 16.6.24 of the City of Woodstock Procedure by-law. The meeting will be livestreamed to the City’s YouTube channel and a recording of this meeting will also be posted on the City website following the meeting.

Closed session commences at 6:30 p.m. in the 2nd Floor Board Room for the consideration of:

  • A proposed disposition of land; and
  • Personal matters about identifiable individuals - appointments to Boards and Committees.

Councillor D. Tait will read the resolutions

>Denotes late items

Mayor Jerry Acchione, on behalf of Woodstock City Council, will make a presentation to the following 2024 Student Civic Awards of Excellence recipients:

  • Ali Brown – Woodstock Collegiate Institute;
  • Ethan Fodor – College Avenue Secondary School;
  • Julian Jean – St. Mary’s High School;
  • Maeghan Schadenberg – École Secondaire Catholique Notre-Dame; and
  • Cullen White – Huron Park Secondary School;

That Woodstock City Council advise the County of Oxford that the City supports the application by Graham, Brian and Robert Louis Reid, to create a draft plan of condominium (File No. CD 23-02-8) as applied to lands consisting of Lot 42, Plan 579, City of Woodstock, subject to the following conditions of draft plan approval:

1. This approval applies to the draft plan of condominium, submitted by Graham, Brian and Robert Louis Reid (File CD 23-02-8) comprising land described as Lot 42, Plan 579, City of Woodstock, showing 9 residential units.
2. The recommendations of the Building Condition Report be implemented to the satisfaction of the City Building Department.
3. That the owner provides a reserve fund study, completed to the satisfaction of the City of Woodstock Building Department.
4. Prior to signing the final plan for registration, the County of Oxford shall be advised by the City of Woodstock that Conditions 2 and 3 have been addressed, to the satisfaction of the City of Woodstock. The clearance letter shall include a brief statement for each condition detailing how each condition has been satisfied.

That Woodstock City Council advise County Council that the City supports the application for draft approval of a proposed condominium submitted by Oxford Standard Condominium Plan No. 109 and 1000641111 Ontario Inc. (File No. CD 24-02-8), prepared by Callon Dietz Inc. Ontario Land Surveyors, for lands described as Oxford Condominium Plan 109, Part of Block B, Plan M-13, in the City of Woodstock;

And further that Woodstock City Council advise County Council that the City supports the application for exemption from the draft plan of condominium approval process submitted by Oxford Standard Condominium Plan No. 109 and 1000641111 Ontario Inc. (File No. CD 24-02-8) prepared by Callon Dietz Inc Ontario Land Surveyors for lands described as Oxford Condominium Plan 109, Part of Block B, Plan M-13, in the City of Woodstock.

That Woodstock City Council approve the application for zone change for lands described as Part Lot 9 and 10, Plan 41M-82, Part 2 of 41R-9080, in the City of Woodstock, to rezone the subject property from ‘Special Regional Commercial Zone (C6-1)’ to ‘Special Regional Commercial Zone (C6-13)’ to add a veterinary clinic as a permitted use on the subject lands;

And further that any comments received from the public were reviewed and considered before the decision was made in relation to this planning matter.

That Woodstock City Council advise the Land Division Committee that the City supports the proposal to sever the subject property, subject to the following conditions:

1. The Owner(s) shall enter into a Severance Agreement with the City of Woodstock as set forth in the City of Woodstock By-Law No. 5266-76, and amendments thereto. The Severance Agreement shall be registered on first title by the Owner, to the satisfaction of the City of Woodstock.
2. The Owner shall submit a recent survey to confirm lot sizes and building setbacks, to the satisfaction of the City of Woodstock.
3. The Owner(s) shall remove all accessory structures on the severed parcel to the satisfaction of the City of Woodstock Building Department.
4. The Owner(s) confirm(s) that no underground or overhead services serving the retained lands traverse the severed parcel and visa versa. Where such services exist, the owner shall relocate the services or obtain private easements over the severed and/or retained lands to the satisfaction of the City of Woodstock.
5. The Owner(s) shall agree, in writing, to satisfy all requirements, financial and otherwise, of the City of Woodstock and the County of Oxford, regarding the installation of services and drainage facilities, if required.
6. The Clerk of the City of Woodstock advise the Secretary-Treasurer of the Land Division Committee that all requirements of the City of Woodstock have been complied with.

And further, that Woodstock City Council advise the Land Division Committee that the City supports Application File A24-08-8, submitted by Oxford Builders Inc., for lands described as Plan 86, Part Lot 16, City of Woodstock, and municipally known as 240 Fifth Avenue, as
it relates to:

1. Relief from Section 6.2, Table 6.2 – R1 Zone Provisions to reduce the required frontage for the proposed severed and retained lands from 12 m (39.4 ft) to 10 m (32.8 ft), to facilitate the severance proposed by Consent Application B24-28-8.

The recommended relief meets the four tests of a minor variance as set out in Section 45(1) of the Planning Act as follows:

i) The relief is a minor variance from the provisions of the City’s Zoning By-law.
ii) The relief is desirable for the use of the land.
iii) The relief maintains the general intent and purpose of the City’s Zoning By-law.
iv) The relief maintains the intent and purpose of the Official Plan.

That Woodstock City Council advise the Oxford County Land Division Committee that the City supports the application for consent for lands described as Concession 1, Part Lots 13 (formerly Township of Blandford), in the City of Woodstock, to facilitate the creation of a new vacant service commercial lot, subject to the following conditions:

1. The Owner provides confirmation of the location of any existing overhead or underground services installed to the retained and severed lots. Services cannot traverse the adjoining lots and any conflicts must be re-directed or an easement created. Any proposed easements shall be reviewed by the City of Woodstock.
2. The owner shall agree, in writing, to satisfy all requirements, financial and otherwise, of the City of Woodstock and the County of Oxford regarding the installation of services and drainage facilities.
3. The Owner will be required to enter into a severance agreement for the severed parcel with the City of Woodstock. The agreement will be registered on first title by the owner.
4. The Owner shall submit a recent survey to confirm lot sizes and building setbacks to the satisfaction of the City of Woodstock.

That Woodstock City Council support the application to amend the Official Plan (File No. OP 23-10-8), submitted by Tiffany Development Corporation, for lands legally described as Part Block 137, Plan 41M234, Part 3, 41R-8712 in the City of Woodstock, to amend the current High Density Residential designation that applies to the lands to increase the density of development and facilitate the establishment of a 13-storey residential apartment building with up to 213 units;

And further that Woodstock City Council approve in principle the zone change application (File No. ZN 8-23-16) submitted by Tiffany Development Corporation, for lands legally described as Part Block 137, Plan 41M234, Part 3, 41R-8712 in the City of Woodstock, to amend the text of Special Residential 4 Zone (R4-4) to facilitate the development of a 13 storey residential apartment building with up to 213
dwelling units;

And further that any comments received from the public were reviewed and considered before the decision was made in relation to this planning matter.

The following resolutions have been prepared to facilitate Council's perusal of the various matters and are suggested for consideration

That Woodstock City Council refer the report regarding 2023-2024 Dedicated Gas Tax Funding for Public Transportation to the by-law section of the agenda.

That Woodstock City Council approves the proposed “2024 Asset Management Plan” attached to the report as Appendix A;

And further that the “2024 Asset Management Plan” be posted on the City’s website to comply with O. Reg. 588/17.

That Woodstock City Council approves the updates to Council Policy AS011 - Strategic Asset Management Policy.

That Woodstock City Council approve a street name change from William Street to William Lane;

And further that City Council direct staff to circulate the necessary notices.

That Woodstock City Council authorize an extension to Xyris Holdings Inc. to complete construction at 369 Griffin Way until October 31, 2024.

That Woodstock City Council declare 453 Dundas Street surplus;

And further that City Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign the agreement of purchase and sale with Mark and Mallory Kean and that the necessary By-law be read.



That Woodstock City Council approve the 2025-2029 Energy Conservation Demand Management Plan.

That Woodstock City Council receive the report regarding Recycling Producer Responsibility Model and Transitioning to Organics Update as information.

WHEREAS found in the 2021 Census, the enumerated population of the City of Woodstock was 46,705, which represents an increase of 13.6% from 2016;

AND WHEREAS found in the 2021 Census, 8,230 children aged 0 to 14 were enumerated in the City of Woodstock, representing respectively 17.6% of the total population - in comparison, for Canada, the proportion of children was 16.3% in 2021;

AND WHEREAS Oxford County is the designated childcare service system manager responsible for planning and managing licensed childcare services in our community and is committed to working with community partners to enhance the quality of life for all citizens, even the youngest among us;

AND WHEREAS Oxford County is currently developing the next five-year Childcare and Early Years Plan to cover 2025 through 2029, presenting an opportunity for the City of Woodstock to align with the County on this important service;

AND WHEREAS there can be different funding types to support new childcare centres and municipalities have played a strong role in this by identifying structural space for these centres and studies show that for every dollar invested in Early Years and Childcare Programs the broader economy receives between $1.50 to $6.00;

AND WHEREAS by recognizing childcare as a necessary service in neighbourhoods and defining solutions to reduce barriers to access, municipalities can directly contribute to supporting employment opportunities for families and fostering economic sustainability at the local level;

AND WHEREAS the Public’s Top 2 objective identified in the Strategic Realignment Survey was ‘Effectively Deliver Amenities and Services’;

AND WHERESAS how a child develops during ages 0-5 affects future cognitive, social, emotional, language, and physical development, which in turn influences school readiness and later success in life;

AND WHERESAS early intervention for children with special needs are crucial for their successful transition to the school system and later success in life;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Woodstock City Council direct staff to prepare a report for Council by September 2024 outlining ways in which Woodstock can partner with various stakeholders to support and facilitate the creation of additional childcare spaces in the City;

AND FURTHER that this report include options for amending zoning provisions to be more permissive for childcare, and utilizing existing and future municipal property as locations for childcare centres, including requiring all future City built infrastructure to consider a childcare component.

This portion of the meeting is not recorded.

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