The Corporation of the City of Woodstock
Council Agenda

Meeting #:
Council Chambers

This meeting will be held in-person  in accordance with section 238 (3.3) of the Municipal Act, 2001 as amended and section 16.6.24 of the City of Woodstock Procedure by-law. The meeting will be livestreamed to the City’s YouTube channel and a recording of this meeting will also be posted on the City website following the meeting.

Closed session commences at 1:00 p.m. in the 2nd Floor Board Room for the consideration of:

  1. a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality.

Councillor C. Lauder will read the resolutions.

The following resolutions have been prepared to facilitate Council's perusal of the various matters and are suggested for consideration

That Woodstock City Council approve the report regarding expenses excluded from the 2025 Preliminary Revenue Fund Budget.

That Woodstock City Council award the tender for the reconstruction of Edward Street, Mary Street and Wellington Street North to Viewcon Construction Limited, in the amount of $3,230,961.00 inclusive of HST.

That Woodstock City Council approve the Development Charges Interest Policy AS012, as amended.

That Woodstock City Council authorizes the Mayor and Clerk to sign an amending agreement with 2742534 ONTARIO INC. (Derek Booy), regarding construction commitments outlined in the agreement of Purchase and Sale for 2 acres of industrial land located on Griffin Way.



That Woodstock City Council approve the 2024 Annual Status Report for the 2023-2027 Accessibility Plan.

That Woodstock City Council approves the amendments to Council Policy PR010 - Municipal Alcohol Policy.

That Woodstock City Council receives the report on the Deputy Mayor Position – Legislative Framework as information.


That Woodstock City Council, in accordance with Section 217(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, amends the composition of Woodstock City Council to revise one of the two City-County Councillor positions to establish the Office of Deputy Mayor-County Councillor; and further,

That the position of Deputy Mayor-County Councillor be elected at large during the next regular municipal election, scheduled for October 26, 2026, and each subsequent election thereafter; and further,
That Woodstock City Council directs staff to proceed with preparing a by-law for the next regular City Council meeting to enact the amendment outlined above to the composition of Woodstock City Council.

This portion of the meeting is not recorded.