The Corporation of the City of Woodstock
Council Agenda

Meeting #:
Council Chambers

This meeting will be held in-person  in accordance with section 238 (3.3) of the Municipal Act, 2001 as amended and section 16.6.24 of the City of Woodstock Procedure by-law. The meeting will be livestreamed to the City’s YouTube channel and a recording of this meeting will also be posted on the City website following the meeting.

Closed session commences at 6:15 p.m. in the 2nd Floor Board Room for the consideration of:

  • personal matters about identifiable individuals
  • a proposed acquisition of land 
  • a position or instruction to be applied to negotiations carried on by the municipality

Councillior K. Leatherbarrow will be reading the resolutions.

>Denotes late items


That Woodstock City Council approve in principle the zone change application (File No. ZN 8-24-03) submitted by the City of Woodstock, for lands described as Part of Lots 7, 8 & 9, Concession 1 (Blandford), to rezone the lands from Agricultural (AG) and Environmental Protection Zone 1 and 2 (EP1 and EP2) to ‘Special Prestige Industrial Holding Zone (M1-12(H)), Special General Industrial Holding Zone (M3-46 (H)), Future Development Zone (FD) and Environmental Protection Zone 1 and 2 (EP1 and EP2) to facilitate a proposed draft plan of subdivision for industrial purposes;

And further that any comments received from the public were reviewed and considered before the decision was made in relation to this planning matter;

And further that City Council advise County Council that the City supports the application for draft plan of subdivision, File No. SB 24-02-8, submitted by the City of Woodstock, for lands described as Part of Lots 7, 8 & 9, Concession 1 (Blandford), subject to the following conditions of draft approval:

1. This approval applies to the draft plan of subdivision submitted by the City of Woodstock and prepared by AECOM as shown on Plate 3 of Report No. 2024-129 and comprising Part of Lots 7, 8 and 9, Concession 1 (Blandford), in the City of Woodstock showing nine blocks for industrial development, three natural heritage blocks, one block for stormwater management and a future sanitary pumping station, and a number of blocks for road widenings and 0.3 m (1 ft) reserves, served by 5 new local streets.
2. The road allowances included in the draft plan of subdivision shall be dedicated as public highways to the satisfaction of the City of Woodstock.
3. The streets included in the draft plan of subdivision shall be named to the satisfaction of the City of Woodstock.
4. The owner agrees in writing that temporary turning circles and/or emergency access ways will be provided, as necessary, to the satisfaction of the City of Woodstock.
5. The owner agrees that 0.3 m (1 ft) reserves shall be conveyed to the City or County, as the case may be, free of all costs and encumbrances, to the satisfaction of the City and/or County.
6. Such easements as may be required for utility, servicing or drainage purposes shall be granted to the appropriate authority.
7. Prior to the signing of the final plan by the County, all lots/blocks shall conform to the zoning requirements of the City’s Zoning By-Law. Certification of lot areas, frontages, and depths, shall be provided to the City by an Ontario Land Surveyor retained by the owner.
8. The owner agrees in writing that further development will be subject to site plan approval where servicing, grading, stormwater management, setbacks to environmental areas, traffic/transportation, landscaping, etc. will be reviewed in further detail.
9. The Owner agrees in writing to satisfy all the requirements, financial (including payment of applicable development charges, etc.) and otherwise, of Oxford County Public Works regarding the installation of the water distribution system, the installation of the sanitary sewer system including Sewage Pumping Station (SPS) and forcemains, construction of County road improvements necessitated by development, and other matters pertaining to the development of the subdivision in accordance with County Standards.
10. The Owner shall provide service provisions for future development, to the satisfaction of Oxford County Public Works Department. Of particular note, the Owner agrees to design and size the sanitary sewer collection and water distribution systems within the Plan of Subdivision to accommodate future flows from upstream/tributary areas including lands identified within the Northeast Woodstock Secondary Plan area, subject to cost sharing with the County for service oversizing, to the satisfaction of Oxford County Public Works.
11. The Owner shall agree in the Subdivision Agreement that the final location of the Sewage Pumping Station (SPS) will be located in an area that adequately services the site and also provides maximum drainage benefit to surrounding external lands; including, but not limited to, lands identified within the Northeast Woodstock Secondary Plan area. The final location and complete design of the SPS shall be reviewed and approved by Oxford County Public Works.
12. The Owner shall agree in writing that the SPS will be owned and operated by Oxford County Public Works. Block 2 shall be conveyed to the County, free of all costs and encumbrances, for the location of the Sewage Pumping Station. The Block shall provide access from a public road. The Owner agrees to increase/amend size of draft Block 2 if deemed required following detailed design, to the satisfaction of Oxford County Public Works.
13. The Owner shall agree in the Subdivision Agreement to fund the cost of any transportation network improvements that are attributable to the Draft Plan of Subdivision to the satisfaction/approval of Oxford County Public Works, MTO, and the City of Woodstock.
14. The Owner agrees that subdivision/site entrances and all related costs are considered local services and a direct developer responsibility.
15. The Owner agrees to implement the recommendations contained within the various technical reports (e.g. Integrated Master Plan, Water, Wastewater, Stormwater, Transportation, etc.) submitted in support of the subject draft plan of subdivision application, including any amendments thereto, and the preparation and submission of detailed engineering drawings and reports to the satisfaction of Oxford County and/or the City of Woodstock.
16. Prior to the signing of the final plan by the County, the Owner shall agree in writing that all phasing of the plan of subdivision will be to the satisfaction of the City and County. Furthermore, the Owner acknowledges that servicing/development of the plan of subdivision is dependent on various planning, design, approval, and construction phases for implementation of external services/existing system upgrades.
17. The Owner shall agree to prepare and submit for the approval of Oxford County Public Works, detailed servicing plans designed in accordance with the Oxford County Design Guidelines.
18. Prior to the final approval of the subdivision plan, the Owner shall receive confirmation from Oxford County Public Works that there is sufficient capacity in the City of Woodstock water and sanitary sewer systems to service the plan of subdivision. Each proposed industrial Block shall be subject to Site Plan approval. Water & Wastewater capacity will be assessed and provisionally approved on a block by block basis as part of Site Plan review; water and wastewater capacity allotment per Block shall not exceed the established design allotment (based on design criteria, max flow per area) of which applicable water & wastewater servicing infrastructure was sized. The Owner shall agree to make provisions in the subdivision agreement to disclose the foregoing water & wastewater allocation process and upset flow limits to purchasers of Blocks, to the satisfaction of Oxford County Public Works.
19. The Owner agrees to provide such easements as may be required for utility or drainage purposes outside of the proposed public right-of-ways shall be granted to the appropriate authority free of all costs and encumbrances to the satisfaction of the appropriate authority. Furthermore, the Owner agrees to provide any temporary easements as deemed required by the appropriate authority.
20. The Owner agrees in writing, that 0.3 m (1 ft) reserves along Oxford Road 2 (Highway 2), shall be conveyed to the County as required, free of all costs and encumbrances, to the satisfaction of Oxford County Public Works.
21. Prior to final approval by the County, the Owner shall properly decommission any abandoned private services (water well, cistern and/or septic system) located on the subject lands, in accordance with the Ontario Water Resources Act, R.S.O. 1990 (Ontario Regulation No. 903) and to the satisfaction of Oxford County Department of Public Works.
22. The subdivision agreement shall make provision for the assumption and operation by Oxford County of the water and sewage system within the draft plan subject to the approval of Oxford County Public Works.
23. Storm water drainage proposed to be directed to any County Road allowance shall be managed/attenuated to pre-development conditions to the satisfaction of Oxford County Public Works and City of Woodstock.
24. The Owner shall demonstrate/implement to the satisfaction of Oxford County that the entire subdivision, and each phase of development, shall provide adequate redundancy and looping for domestic and fire water protection services.
25. Appropriate cul-de-sacs/turnaround areas are required to ensure proposed roadways have adequate turning radius/unobstructed access (without reversing) for waste collection and emergency vehicles. Cul-de-sac design will follow all County/City of Woodstock Guidelines.
26. Prior to the final approval of the subdivision plan, the Owner shall receive confirmation from Oxford County Public Works that there is sufficient capacity in the City of Woodstock water and sanitary sewer systems to service the plan of subdivision. Each proposed industrial Block shall be subject to Site Plan approval. Water and Wastewater capacity will be assessed and provisionally approved on a block by block basis as part of Site Plan review; water and wastewater capacity allotment per Block shall not exceed the established design allotment (based on design criteria, max flow per area) of which applicable water and wastewater servicing infrastructure was sized. The Owner shall agree to make provisions in the purchase and sale agreements to disclose the foregoing water & wastewater allocation process and upset flow limits to purchasers of Blocks, to the satisfaction of Oxford County Public Works.
27. Prior to the final approval of the plan by the County, the Owner shall provide a final Stormwater Management Report and Water Balance Assessment, which addresses the Conservation Authority’s outstanding comments and concerns, to the satisfaction of the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority.
28. Prior to the final approval of the plan by the County, the Owner shall provide a final Hydrogeological Assessment which includes a detailed wetland monitoring and mitigation plan, to the satisfaction of the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority.
29. Prior to the final approval of the plan by the County, in conjunction with the submission of the engineering drawings, the Owner shall submit detailed grading plans and erosion and sediment control plans that will identify all erosion and sediment control measures for the subject lands to the satisfaction of the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority. The plans are to include measures to be used during all phases of construction including the installation of servicing under Highway 401. Prior to any work on the site, the Owner shall implement these measures satisfactory to the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority.
30. In accordance with Ontario Regulation 41/24 made pursuant to Section 28 of the Conservation Authorities Act, the Owner shall obtain the necessary permits / approvals from the UTRCA prior to undertaking any site alteration or development within the UTRCA Regulated Area, including filling, grading, construction, site alteration to watercourse and/or interference with a wetland.
31. Prior to the approval of the final plan by the County, the owner shall agree in writing to satisfy the requirements of Canada Post Corporation with respect to advising prospective purchasers of the method of mail delivery; the location of temporary Centralized Mail Box locations during construction; and the provision of public information regarding the proposed locations of permanent Centralized Mail Box locations, to the satisfaction of Canada Post.
32. Prior to the approval of the final plan by the County, the owner shall agree in writing, to satisfy the requirements of Enbridge Gas that the owner/developer provide Enbridge Gas Limited with the necessary easements and/or agreements required for the provisions of gas services, to the satisfaction of Enbridge Gas Limited.
33. Prior to the approval of the final plan by the County, the owner shall submit an archaeological assessment of the subject property and mitigate, through preservation or resources removal and documentation, adverse impacts to any significant archaeological resources found. No grading or other soil disturbances shall take place on the subject property prior to the issuance of a clearance letter by the Ministry of Culture confirming that all archaeological resource concerns have met licensing and resource conservation requirements.
34. Prior to final approval by the County, the owner shall provide a list of all conditions of draft approval with a brief statement detailing how each condition has been satisfied, including required supporting documentation from the relevant authority, to the satisfaction of the County of Oxford.
35. Prior to final approval by the County, the County of Oxford shall be advised by the City of Woodstock that conditions 2 to 8 (inclusive) have been met to the satisfaction of the City. The clearance letter shall include a brief statement for each condition detailing how each has been satisfied.
36. Prior to final approval by the County, the owner shall secure clearance from the County of Oxford Public Works Department or other appropriate County department, that conditions 6, 8 to 26 (inclusive) have been met to the satisfaction of County Public Works and/or Community Planning. The clearance letter shall include a brief statement for each condition detailing how each has been satisfied.
37. Prior to final approval by the County, the owner shall secure clearance from the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority that conditions 27 to 30 (inclusive), have been met to the satisfaction of the UTRCA. The clearance letter shall include a brief statement for each condition detailing how each has been satisfied.
38. Prior to final approval by the County, the County of Oxford shall be advised by Canada Post Corporation that condition 31 has been met to the satisfaction of Canada Post. The clearance letter shall include a brief statement detailing how this condition has been satisfied.
39. Prior to final approval by the County, the County of Oxford shall be advised by Enbridge Gas that condition 32 has been met to the satisfaction of Enbridge Gas. The clearance letter shall include a brief statement detailing how this condition has been satisfied.
40. The plan of subdivision shall be registered within three (3) years of the granting of draft approval, after which time this draft approval shall lapse unless an extension is authorized by the County of Oxford.

And further that any comments received from the public were reviewed and considered before the decision was made in relation to this planning matter.

That Woodstock City Council defer Application File B23-65-8, submitted by 634524 Ontario Inc., for lands described as Lot 4 and Part Lot 5, Block M, Plan 255, City of Woodstock, to allow staff to consider the severance application in conjunction with the recently submitted zone change application.

And further that any comments received from the public were reviewed and considered before the decision was made in relation to this planning matter.

It recommended that Woodstock City Council approve the application for lands described as Plan 41M-380, Lot C in the City of Woodstock, to rezone the subject property from ‘Special General Industrial (M3-34)’ to ‘Special General Industrial Zone (M3-45)’ to facilitate the development of an abattoir.

And further that any comments received from the public were reviewed and considered before the decision was made in relation to this planning matter.

It recommended that Woodstock City Council defer the application for lands described as Part Lot 1, w/s Light Street, Plan 10 in the City of Woodstock, to rezone the subject property from ‘Central Commercial Zone (C5)’ to ‘Special Central Commercial Zone (C5-sp)’ to facilitate the development of an eight-storey 36-unit residential apartment dwelling house on the subject lands to allow the applicant to apply for the required official plan amendment.

And further that any comments received from the public were reviewed and considered before the decision was made in relation to this planning matter.

That Woodstock City Council defer Application Files B24-09-8 and A24-04-08, submitted by Zachary Jankovic, for lands described as Lot 8 s/s of Queen Street, Block H, Plan 52, City of Woodstock, to allow the applicant to consider amending the proposal to address the Building Department’s comments.

And further that any comments received from the public were reviewed and considered before the decision was made in relation to this planning matter.

The following resolutions have been prepared to facilitate Council's perusal of the various matters and are suggested for consideration

That Woodstock City Council award the tender for the South Gate Centre Addition and Renovation to Elgin Contracting and Restoration Ltd in the amount of $7,178,890.00 inclusive of HST.

That Woodstock City Council award the tender for the reconstruction of Beale Street to Viewcon Construction Limited, in the amount of $888,191.58 inclusive of HST and further that Council approve the reallocation of $39,000.00 from the surplus funding on the Brant Street Reconstruction (11313) to fund the shortfall on the Beale Street Reconstruction (11312).

That Woodstock City Council award the tender for the reconstruction of Walter Street to Euro-Ex Construction (2008422 Ontario Ltd.), in the amount of $1,331,905.52 inclusive of HST.

That Woodstock City Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign the license agreement with Fanshawe College.



That Woodstock City Council confirms the selection of:

  • Ali Brown – Woodstock Collegiate Institute,
  • Ethan Fodor – College Avenue Secondary School,
  • Julian Jean – St. Mary’s High School
  • Maeghan Schadenberg – École Secondaire Catholique Notre-Dame, and
  • Cullen White – Huron Park Secondary School

as the winners of the 2024 Student Civic Awards of Excellence.

That Woodstock City Council supports the decision to refuse to amend the zoning by-law with respect to application ZN 8-23-06 – 360 & 366 Mill Street; And further that the City Clerk be instructed to so advise the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal.

That Woodstock City Council supports the decision to refuse to amend the zoning by-law with respect to application Zone Change OP 24-01-8 and ZN 8-24-01. And further that the City Clerk be instructed to so advise the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal.

That Woodstock City Council waive the tendering requirements of the procurement of goods and services policy and authorize the purchase of a boom flail mower attachment in the amount of $49,027.95 from Work Equipment.

This portion of the meeting is not recorded.